
Adelle's 23rd Birthday: Help Light Up 2.300 Homes Of Women Micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia

Rp 280.336.626 dari Rp 250.000.000


Penggalang Dana

BenihBaik ceklis Identitas terverifikasi

Hi everyone, 

The last few months have been difficult for the world and my heart has been deeply saddened and burdened by the reality of the negative social and economic impact of this pandemic especially to underprivileged families. I’ve heard countless stories of low-income mothers I’ve closely worked with in the past losing their micro-businesses that they’ve grown and built over the last few years. As a result of the loss of income, these families now find it difficult to even provide food for their children. 

That is why this year for my 23rd birthday and in line with Mother’s Day, I would want nothing more than to help fight darkness, give hope, and give light to 23,0000 hard-working low-income mothers who tirelessly give their all for their families by helping pay for their electricity bills. Every year on my birthday, I have been blessed beyond measure by the most amazing friends and family who make me feel so deeply loved & celebrated with all their attention, care, and gifts. 

This year, I kindly ask my family, friends, and anyone else who is willing, to show love in a different way. Instead of gifts, cakes, flowers, and birthday parties, I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider donating to give light to homes around Indonesia. 

Through #LightUpIndonesia - a movement initiated by Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) - we are able to help lighten the economic burden of families by helping pay for their electricity bills. By paying for their electricity, they can now use that money to buy essential needs such as food and survive through these times. 

It only takes Rp. 100,000 ($7) to light up one home. 

We have the chance to become light and overcome these dark times. 

All donations whatever the amount is greatly appreciated. 

How to Donate: 

1.Click the “DONASI” button 

2.Enter the amount of donation

3.Select payment method (GO-PAY/BNI/BNI Syariah/BRI/BCA/Mandiri/Dompet Kebaikan/Credit Card) ** To all my friends outside of Indo, I’ve checked and US CC works :) **

4.You will get a confirmation info by email

I will be fundraising until Friday, May 15, 2020. Thank you for making my birthday extra special this year.

Love you all so very much!!

Adelle  Odelia Tanuri

  • Terima Kasih Atas Bantuannya, Temanbaik!


    Halo TemanBaik, semoga saat ini dalam keadaan sehat ya.

    Kami mau mengabarkan kalau bantuanmu untuk program Light Up (bantuan pembayaran tagihan listrik) lebih dari 2000 rumah keluarga yang membutuhkan yang maksimal powernya 1300 VA sudah kami salurkan.

    Terima kasih atas kebaikan hati TemanBaik semoga kita selalu diberikan kelimpahan rezeki.

    2021-11-17 13:36:27

  • Pencairan Dana Rp 266.083.244

    Ke rekening ****131 a/n Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa

    Pencairan tahap 1 untuk program Light Up (bantuan pembayaran tagihan listrik) lebih dari 2000 rumah keluarga yang membutuhkan yang maksimal powernya 1300 VA
    2020-05-29 12:09:34

Baca Selengkapnyaicon-lihatsemua



Bantuan itu bukan sekadar uang lho, TemanBaik!

Dengan menjadi Fundraiser, kamu bisa mengumpulkan uang untuk galang dana ini dengan mengetuk hati teman-temanmu yang ingin membantu.

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